Sunday, February 13, 2011

A 3 year old named Chason

So tonight Chason was asking me his millionth question of the day, and noticed a scrape on my leg. I told him its my owie, and I just knew he'd have to check it out.....So, he stared at it and told me not to worry because he could fix it. I said, oh you can, how nice, then waited for my kiss to make it better. He said ok mommy, I go get my hammer! A hammer? eeeeeek lol

He is such an awesome kid. So easy going, ready to make ya laugh, and has the biggest smile. His whole face lights up. He is not one to sit back and watch. Gotta be a part of the team, so he fits in really well.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my heck lol a doctor in the making lol, he is so cute!!!!!!
