Saturday, August 27, 2011


Haylee loves bugs. All bugs. She doesn't want them to die, so she tries to catch them and makes them homes so she can take care of them. God forbid you step on a ant, or kill a spider. She now knows that any spider in our home is suicidal, so we gotta help them along.

Here's one of her latest prisoners.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

So today I only had to feed 4 kids lunch

And it felt so weird! For most people, that or even way less is what they normally do everyday. Everything went smoothly for the kids. Colby is at football tryouts, so I have to wait to hear about his first day, but the rest of the kids got to fight over who got to tell me about their day first. Shelbys friends were calling her over before she even got out of the car, Haylee was nervous as could be finding a desk to sit in while everyone was staring at her, and Caden, ohhhh Caden, told me the teacher said he's an interesting kid. Yeah, we'll go with that.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Last day before school starts

Today Haylee is telling me about a scary movie she saw a commercial for. She says, the guy so rudely murders a girl. So rudely? Because you know most murderers are calm and polite, right? LOL

I got bratwursts cookin for spagetti tonight, and the smell is awakening all the little curtain climbers upstairs. One by one they have been setting aside the legos and cars and have been coming down the stairs to tell me they are stahhhhving, lol.

Tomorrow is the first day of school. Everyone but Shelby is excited. They have been getting their backpacks ready and picking out their clothes. It'll be a busy day! Cavin and Chason are excited for pre-school, but that won't start till next month. Can't believe they will be in preschool soon. Feels like they are still just too little for that.


Sunday, August 14, 2011


Troy smiles all the time now. You just look at him and grin, and he does it right back. You could be in the worst mood and as soon as you see that perfect little grin, you just melt. It doesn't matter if you have 1 or 12 kids. Those first smiles will get you every time.

Last night Scott and I actually got to sit on the couch together and watch t.v. Troy was on my lap snoozin and Scott got to finish whole sentences without being inturrupted by kids. I can't remember the last time that happened.

School starts soon. Thank God. I love my kids but holy cow am I ready for school. Looked online at tables today. I really need some kitchen chairs that match and don't fall apart when someone sits on them. (Sorry Todd)  Hopefully when I am ready to buy them there will be some for sale that I like and can afford. I have been checking for vans as well. I am hoping to have one by winter. I went from dreading it to welcoming it. All it took was a couple car rides with 8 kids and 2 adults jam packed into my Durango to change my mind. We pull up somewhere and the clown music starts playing as we all get out. So, our choices are doing that, or take 2 cars everywhere. So, I am picking door #3. Find a affordable reliable van. eeeek.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Splish Splash

He was taken a bath...............

heres our tank lovin his bath

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Poor Travis

Travis climbed behind the couch and got stuck. Am I mean to take the picture and then help him out? I think not!!

ok its official

this is where toys come to die. That or my kids are trying to send a message to our enemies.........