Monday, March 7, 2011

8 is great!!

Hard to believe we're already a week into March. Soon school will be out for the summer and I will be busy trying to keep all the kids busy. Oh yeah and theres the other little matter of a new baby, lol. Yes, summer is going to be exciting and fun around here. I started going through baby clothes this past weekend. They needed to be sorted by size and season. It gets me excited to pull out all the little baby clothes. To think there will be a lil boy wearing it soon. I wonder what he will look like. How much hair he will have. How tiny his fingers will be. If he knows how loved and wanted he already is.

Soon June will be here and I will get to meet him.  I know seven is heaven, but eight will be great!

1 comment:

  1. Susie he alreadys knows how much he is loved!!! It will be so much fun watching him grow, and learn! Each child is a blessing and they each have their own little ways that make them be them, soon we will know his! I am excited! love you!
