Thursday, March 31, 2011

Say Goodbye to March!

last day of March is here! It feels like it just started. Soon school will be out, and it will be wall to wall kids around here. I "think" I am up for it, lol.

A couple days ago I had to break up a fight between Cavin and Chason. They were fighting over an imaginary dog. Yup, You read it right. Fake. Invisible. But it somehow managed to get in the middle of them, and after the 2nd warning, I was forced to take the dog out of their room with me to spend time with our real dogs. The boys were fine after that, and life goes on.......

can you see the invisible dog?? He is snuggled inbetween Dazey and Jessie...........


  1. oh my heck lol you need to tell them to get the invisible dog back they have to get along lol they are so cute and funny

  2. Almost HayLees BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. i see it, so you are the crazy one, susie! :) lol
