Tuesday, January 31, 2012

No doctors today

Chason caught whatever bug it was that Colby had last week. I thought I had lucked out and the rest of the kids were in the clear. I was WRONG! When Chason stayed in bed all morning I kept checking on him, and he just got worse and worse. I gave him medicine for his fever then re-scheduled his doctor appointment for next week. It was a well child appointment so I couldn't bring him to it. This morning I woke up to him yelling from the bathroom. He had gotten sick and was so mad it was all over himself. I wasn't too thrilled either. He kept saying, On my arm! Gross! Ugh my leg! Ewww! I put him in the tub and scrubbed the floor and walls were he touched. If the first smells that hit my nose didn't wake me up, the Clorox sure did.

I got him all cleaned up and snuggled him back down in bed. About an hour later, he ran for the bathroom and missed again. So I had to repeat my earlier scrub down and just hope he feels better soon.

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