Friday, October 21, 2011

One of those days........

Today was a busy day. I have been in and out all day long. I woke up at 7:00 a.m, which was nice because usually Troy wakes me around 4, and by 8 o'clock I was out the door. I had to go get some groceries and I wanted to be quick, so morning before most of the tribe had woken up was the perfect time. When I got home I got all the little kids dressed and then checked the movie times for the girls. Footloose was playing at 11:00, so I hurried and got the kitchen cleaned up from my lil tornado's that ate breakfast, packed Troy up and ran out the door. Colby stayed home and watched the little boys. Footloose was great, and Willard stole the show with his funny comments. It mostly followed the original Footloose movie, but now its set in our current time. After the movie was over we grabbed some lunch and headed over to Carters so I could use my coupon before it expired. I got the 2 youngest boys some cute clothes for fall, then headed home. I wasn't home 20 minutes before Chason got hurt. As I stood in the kitchen doing the lunch dishes, I hear Cavin yell at Chase and a big thud followed by a scream. Turns out Cavin was fighting with him over the gameboys, so Cavin decided to give the gameboy to Chase. When I say give, I mean chuck. From the top of the stairs. Directly at poor Chasons head. So I turn him around to check his head expecting a bump when I find blood trickling down his neck. I move his hair and see the skin has split, and I can see the meaty part under the skin. I know right away he'll need stitches so I get his shoes on and head to the doctors. This whole time, Chason cried for maybe 60 seconds, if that. I get him to the doctors, where they tell me they will use staples, not stitches or even glue, on his head. My stomach turned at the thought of that, but being a mom, I could never let Chason see how freaked out I was. They put some goop on his head to numb the area, and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Chason just sat and happily played the gameboy that was used as a missile for his head. Turns out he was behind on his immunizations, so they wanted to give him those while he was there. My poor lil buddy! The doctor asked me to sit down because I was hyperventilating, and she said I was super pale. I was glad he was laying on his belly playing the gameboy and not looking at my face. As they put 3 staples in his scalp, he never cried, he just kept saying ow ow ow. The whole thing lasted about 10-15 seconds, and he never cried once! When they tag teamed him with the shots on his legs he said, Hey! Ow! That's it. He's such a tough kid! Here's a pic of his staples, if you look close you can see them.
Here he is yesterday when he got his haircut. Just as happy as could be.
On the way home from the doctors, I stopped and got him an ice cream cone. As soon as he got home he showed it off to Cavin real good, lol. I had a talk with Cavin about talking to me when he's angry instead of throwing things, but I am sure this won't be the last time.
Funny how they can look so sweet and innocent huh?

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