Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I Am Thankfull

Today Scott and I was on our way out of an appointment we had when we noticed a homeless man on the street near our car. Scott nodded and said hello as we passed by. As I was putting the baby in the car, the man walked over to the car and asked us if we had 3 quarters he could have. I said sure, and opened the center console in my car where the change dispenser is, and there just happened to be 3 quarters in the stack. I handed them over and he said with a grin from ear to ear I just made his day. As we drove off I thought about it. 3 quarters made his day. How often do we all take for granted something as small as 3 quarters? He was filthy. As he reached for the change his hands were black with dirt. When he walked away his pants were ripped in the back and his bare skin was showing. Who knows what purpose 3 quarters had for him, but it was a very, very small price to pay to make someones day.

Tonight as I started cleaning up dinner, I started thinking about him again. I looked at this mess.....

and instead of dreading the dinner clean-up, I thought about how happy he would of been to get a home cooked meal. To sit in a comfortable chair with people around him that cared for him. To have clean hands and some money in his pocket. 26 minutes later, my kitchen was clean.

And I am thankful god showed me a different outlook today.