Monday, September 26, 2011


Scott started a new job today. He is gonna be working evenings for a few days, so today he was home till 3:30 p.m. It totally threw my day off! I only got 1 load of laundry done, and I had planned on washing sheets today, so tomorrow is going to be a laundry day from hell. I usually wash 3-4 loads everyday. So if I have to wash bedding of any kind, its an all day affair. I HATE getting behind on laundry. That's why it rarely happens.

Back to Scott's new job. Its a lot more money for us. And with all these kiddos, money kinda comes in handy. They also have great benefits, which is something we haven't had for a long time. And best of on the day he starts! He was a little nervous when he left. New job jitters. On Saturday he'll be going to New Mexico for 2 weeks. Its a lot of changes for him. He is always trying to make a better life for me and the kids. I hope all goes well for him tonight. I will be thinking of him often!

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